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Community Head Injury Resource Services

Clinical Groups
Clinical Groups
Clinical Groups
Clinical Groups
Clinical Groups
Clinical Groups
Clinical Groups
Clinical Groups
Clinical Groups
Clinical Groups
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Community Head Injury Resource Services

Clinical Groups



The CHIRS cTech Program

The cTech program is a new initiative of Community Head Injury Resource Services (CHIRS) that uses mobile technologies such as the iPhone, Blackberry, or tablets to assist in brain injury rehabilitation. In a nutshell, the program aims to help adults with an acquired brain injury compensate for their cognitive difficulties.

Our services include individual and group training. Individual training uses an errorless training approach such as that used by Baycrest’s Memory-Link program, pioneered by Dr. Brian Richards. Memory-Link teaches individuals with severe memory impairment to use the calendar function on mobile devices. The training initially focuses on basic skill acquisition and then moves on to the use of the skill in real-life situations to meet a client’s specific goals. Other apps such as Skype, email, texting, to-do list, maps, safari, iPod etc. can also be taught depending on the client’s needs and expressed goals,

Clients can also participate in the CHIRS tech group that is facilitated by a neuropsychologist and behaviour therapist. This 12-week group is designed for clients who are capable and motivated to use the technology for the purposes of cognitive compensation and reducing the impact of disability. The group covers a handful of topics meant to improve social participation, address memory and organization difficulties, reduce the likelihood of getting lost and provide a source of entertainment. The ability to participate positively in a group setting is important. This group is not suited for individuals with severe memory impairments where individualized errorless training may be more appropriate.

cTech Donation Program

CHIRS recognizes that not everyone will be able to purchase a mobile device. Therefore, CHIRS has begun to accept mobile device donations on clients’ behalf. As CHIRS is a non-profit charitable organization, a Canadian Donation Tax credit is being offered to individuals or companies in exchange for working used or new iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, or Blackberry touch screen devices. For new device donations, a tax credit that is equivalent to the value of the device will be given. For used devices, values may vary depending on the model and condition (functionality, scratches etc.)

How to Donate:

Donating a device is easy. Simply contact Amanda Muise at amandam@chirs.com or (416) 240-8000. Shipping instructions will then be provided. A thank you letter will be sent a few days after we receive your device. A tax credit receipt will be sent before tax season in February.

Rest assured that each device will be inspected and that your personal data will be securely erased. Your help in making these devices available to our clients is much appreciated.

More Info:

Donate your old Smartphone or Tablet to cTech and receive a Canadian tax credit!

For information about workshop dates, subsidy and times, please contact the Intake Department at 416-240-8000.

People First
Dignity and Respect
Excellence and Quality
Integrity, Accountability, and Ethical Conduct
Flexible, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial
Accessibility and Inclusiveness
We at CHIRS acknowledge that we are visitors on this land which was originally named Tkaronto and is the traditional territories of the Anishinabee, the Haudenosaunee, the Mississaugas of the Credits, and the Wendat peoples. We also acknowledge the vast diversity of Indigenous people who have lived, and who are currently caring for this land locally and across Turtle Island. We acknowledge that this land is covered by Treaty 13 and One Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant. CHIRS will continue to walk together with all people to nurture all their abilities and gifts to better this land. CHIRS is aware that this acknowledgement is only first steps and actions are needed to truly honour the relationship with the land and Indigenous people.
CHIRS works in partnership with Ontario Health and the Government of Ontario
© 2025 All rights reserved. Community Head Injury Resource Services (CHIRS) • (416) 240-8000