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Community Head Injury Resource Services

Awards We've Won


Awards We've Won:

Toronto Region
Board of Trade

Business of the Year Award for Innovation and Leadership

Founded in 1845, Toronto Region Board of Trade is the chamber of commerce for Canada's largest urban centre, connecting more than 12,000 members and 250,000 business professionals and influencers throughout the Toronto region. The Board fuels the economic, social and cultural vitality of the entire Toronto region by fostering powerful collaborations among business, government, thought leaders, and community builders. Toronto Region Board of Trade plays a vital role in elevating the quality of life and global competitiveness of Canada's largest urban centre.


Brain Injury Canada

Special Recognition Award for Outstanding Support to Advance the Cause of Brain Injury in Canada

To fulfill their mission, the Brain Injury Association of Canada works in 7 key strategic areas:

  • Promote greater awareness of ABI and the need for early detection and treatment.
  • Create new opportunities to put prevention awareness near the top of Canada’s public agenda.
  • Promote increased research funding towards important areas identified by our stakeholders.
  • Promote increased funding and access to services for residential care and day programming services.
  • Address the serious regional disparity across the country for access to services.
  • Improve the ability of ABI survivors and care givers to navigate the care and advocacy system.
  • Support and facilitate the development of local and regional brain injury associations in their efforts to provide a voice for ABI survivors and caregivers.

Accreditation Canada

Accreditation with Exemplary Standing from Accreditation Canada

All Canadians have the right to safe, high-quality health services - through their standards and accreditation programs Accreditation Canada works with health care organizations to help them improve quality, safety, and efficiency so they can offer you the best possible care and service.

They are an independent, not-for-profit organization that has been improving health quality through accreditation since 1958. They accredit more than 1,100 organizations representing over 6,000 sites and services across Canada. These are the organizations you count on to provide safe, quality health care—hospitals, walk-in clinics and labs, emergency medical services, long-term care homes, home care services, mental health services, and community health programs, as well as provincial health authorities and health systems.


Health Standards Organization

CHIRS Ethical Framework has been accepted as a Leading Practice

CHIRS Ethical Framework has been accepted as a Leading Practice and published by the Health Standards Organization (HSO). The letter of acceptance from HSO reads:

“I am pleased to inform you that your Leading Practice submission “CHIRS Ethical Framework: Everyday Ethics in Acquired Brain Injury Community Support Services” has met all required criteria for acceptance as a Leading Practice. Congratulations on the achievement!”

HSO and its affiliate, Accreditation Canada, have been identifying and publishing Leading Practices in the Leading Practices Library for over 15 years. 

A Leading Practice is a practice carried out by a health and/or social service organization that has demonstrated a positive change and is people-centred, safe and efficient. 

The Leading Practices Library is a knowledge sharing resource of innovative practices that have been identified through a rigorous evaluation process and shared with the public, policy makers, and organizations who are seeking ways to improve the quality of health services for all

Practices that are recognized as Leading Practices are published in the Leading Practices Library and are also advertised through HSO outreach events such as seminars, conferences, education materials; accrediting bodies affiliated with HSO etc.


Brain Injury Association

Professional Award – Hedy Chandler, CHIRS

Providing education, support and awareness, the Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) believes that their strength lies within its Community Associations who provide support, information, education, and advocacy programs and services to those affected by acquired brain injury in local communities. The effective operation of these associations across the province lends strength and credibility to the brain injury movement. This partnership provides greater legitimacy, credibility, economies of scale, development and training opportunities, an opportunity to contribute local expertise to provincial efforts, ability to avoid isolation and an opportunity for the sharing of ideas, successes and frustrations through an established network.

Professional Award
Dr. Carolyn Lemsky received the award for Professional of the Year from the Ontario Brain Injury Society
People First
Dignity and Respect
Excellence and Quality
Integrity, Accountability, and Ethical Conduct
Flexible, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial
Accessibility and Inclusiveness
We at CHIRS acknowledge that we are visitors on this land which was originally named Tkaronto and is the traditional territories of the Anishinabee, the Haudenosaunee, the Mississaugas of the Credits, and the Wendat peoples. We also acknowledge the vast diversity of Indigenous people who have lived, and who are currently caring for this land locally and across Turtle Island. We acknowledge that this land is covered by Treaty 13 and One Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant. CHIRS will continue to walk together with all people to nurture all their abilities and gifts to better this land. CHIRS is aware that this acknowledgement is only first steps and actions are needed to truly honour the relationship with the land and Indigenous people.
CHIRS works in partnership with Ontario Health and the Government of Ontario
© 2025 All rights reserved. Community Head Injury Resource Services (CHIRS) • (416) 240-8000