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Community Head Injury Resource Services

Other organizations and helpful information


Other organizations and helpful information:

CHIRS plays an active role in the larger community as illustrated by its affiliation with the following:


AbleData (Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Centre)

"Your source for assistive technology information."


Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability

Enabling Canadians with Disabilities to lead active healthy lives.


Brain Injury Association

Creating a better future through brain injury prevention, research, education and advocacy.


Brain Injury Society of Toronto

To enhance the quality of life for people in the City of Toronto living with the effects of acquired brain injury through education, awareness, support and advocacy.


Charity Village

"Canada's supersite for the nonprofit sector."


National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)

"... leadership and support for a comprehensive program of research related to the rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities."

Ontario   Canada

Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA)

"To enhance the lives of Ontarians living with the effects of acquired brain injury (ABI) through education, awareness and support."

Ontario   Canada

Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy (OFCP)

Assistive Devices Funding Program

Ontario   Canada

Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association (ONPHA)

Investing in affordable housing is a long-term investment in the success of the entire province.

Ontario   Canada

Toronto ABI Network

"To provide leadership in furthering equitable, accessible, responsive, cost-effective and quality publicly-funded services and support for persons living with the effects of an acquired brain injury in the Greater Toronto Area"

Ontario   Canada

Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation

A charitable Public Foundation dedicated to enhancing Toronto's parks. CHIRS gratefully acknowledges the Foundation's generous contribution to the CHIRS BJF Memorial Gardens volunteer project at Earl Bales Park.

Neurotrauma Foundation

ONF is the leader in moving research to evidence-informed practices and connects health care practitioners, researchers, stakeholders and policymakers to the information they need about neurotrauma prevention and health practices through regional, provincial, national and international collaborations and partnerships.

Holland Bloorview Family Resource Centre

We pioneer treatments, technologies, therapies and real-world programs that give children with disabilities the tools to participate fully in life. We see children with cerebral palsy, acquired brain injury, muscular dystrophy, amputation, epilepsy, spina bifida, arthritis, cleft-lip and palate, autism and other developmental disabilities. A small number of our clients have complex chronic diseases that require round-the-clock medical care.

West Park Healthcare Centre ABI Day Program

We help patients faced with life-changing health challenges reclaim their lives and realize their potential. In a park-like corner of West Toronto, we have created a nurturing campus of care where patients and their families are supported in responding to adversity and adapting to new circumstances. It's a restorative experience like no other.

ABI Justice

ABI Justice is the first and currently the only resource in Ontario that aims to decrease common barriers for persons with brain injury when they are faced with legal matters. It is a portal for legal information as it pertains to those who have sustained a brain injury and for those who assist clients who live with a brain injury. It uses simplified terms to provide brief education about the legal system and supporting resources.


Family Caregiver Alliance National Centre on Caregiving

An unmoderated group for families, partners and other caregivers of adults with disorders such as Alzheimer’s, stroke, brain injury and other chronic debilitating health conditions.

Brain Injury Association Network

Comprised of persons with living with a brain injury, their family members, caregivers, and service professionals interested in issues relevant to brain injury

The Care Tools

An online organizer that allows the care team to post a schedule, assign tasks, and sign up for specific duties.

Brain Injury Associations also provide a variety of community-based services to support individuals with ABI and their families:

Brain Injury Society of Toronto (BIST)

The Brain Injury Society of Toronto supports ABI survivors and their family members. BIST provides a peer mentoring program and educational and social opportunities for individuals with ABI and their families.

Brain Injury Association of Durham Region

The Brain Injury Association of Durham Region provides a variety of supports for individuals with ABI in the Durham region. Services include: support groups; community support coordination/outreach; social/recreational activities; a resource library; injury prevention programs; advocacy; and a day Service/drop In.

Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA)

The Ontario Brain Injury Association enhances the lives of Ontarians living with ABI through information and resources on acquired brain injury; a 1-800 toll free helpline; personal advocacy and support; and training and education for families and professionals

Brain Injury Canada

Brain Injury Canada is a national organization committed to advocacy, awareness, and education on behalf of the Canadian brain injury community, their families, and caregivers. We believe that together we can create a better quality of life for all people affected by acquired brain injury.

Brain Injury Association of Peel Halton (BIAPH)

The Brain Injury Association of Peel and Halton provides information to survivors and their families, promotes the prevention of brain injury and improves the quality of care, education and research. The Yuri Mutiger Memorial Fund provides respite care relief to family and friends providing ongoing care for individuals with brain injury.

Brain Injury Association of York Region (BIAYR)

The Brain Injury Association of York Region was founded in 1991 by a small group of ABI survivors and caregivers. The association works to raise awareness of brain injury and provides support and social groups to caregivers and survivors.

The Ontario Brain Injury Association provides a detailed listing here.

CHIRS Facebook Page

@chirstoronto Here, there, everywhere!


Video: Need to relax? Take a break for meditation

Short video from MayoClinic.com that talks the viewer through a guided relaxation breathing exercise.

Video: Yoga for stress management

Instructional video from MayoClinic.com for simple yoga poses to do at home. Video is less than 5 minutes.


Stress basics

Various articles from Mayoclinic.com on identifying and coping with stress.

Responding to Stressful Events: Self-Care for Caregivers

From the Public Health Agency of Canada. Describes sources of stress, ways to manage stress, when to seek help, and stress relievers. Also provides links to other resources.


My Menu Planner

Online menu planner from Eat Right Ontario, with recipes, an automatic shopping list generator and additional resources.

How to Meal Plan for Your Family

Free online menu plan. Provides customized menus, recipes and saves your past grocery lists. Also provides general information about healthy eating and menu planning.


Sleep tips: 7 steps to better sleep

10 Tips for a Better Sleep from Mayo-Clinic.com.


In Mississauga Halton - Peel Halton Dufferin Acquired Brain Injury Services

PHD ABIS provides a comprehensive range of supports individuals (16+) who have either sustained an acquired brain injury or caregivers/ family members requiring access to counselling for coping strategies, peer support, and education. We provide service to residents in the regions of Peel, Halton and Dufferin, through our LHIN and Ministry funding.

In Hamilton: Brain Injury Services

provides a full range of rehabilitation programs and services for individuals living with the effects of acquired brain injuries. We offer everything from supervised 24-hour-a-day complex residential care, to transitional living arrangements, to independent living supported by an extensive community services program.

In St. Catharines: Brain Injury Community Re-entry Niagara

Providing rehabilitation and support services to individuals, families and caregivers throughout Niagara who are living with the effects of an acquired brain injury.

In London: Dale Brain Injury Services

By providing services that are accessible, evidence-based and responsive to the changing needs of our clients, our community, and our partners, DBIS supports individuals to maximize their strengths and live healthy, meaningful lives.

In Ottawa: Vista Centre

Vista Centre Brain Injury Services (VCBIS) is a non-profit agency which has been providing quality, caring, and continual support to persons living with the effects of Acquired Brain Injury for more than 25 years.

In Thunder Bay: Brain Injury Services of Northern Ontario

Brain Injury Services of Northern Ontario (BISNO) is a non-profit charitable organization which provides rehabilitation and support services within the community to individuals living with the effects of an Acquired Brain Injury. BISNO affiliates itself with other agencies and professionals in developing and providing a range of services in Northern Ontario.

In Muskoka Simcoe: Brain Injury Services Muskoka Simcoe

Our program facilitates the continued growth and learning of individuals who have the potential for more independent lifestyles. We support our participants in learning compensatory strategies and developing personal strengths in order to overcome challenges they face as a result of their acquired brain injury. The success of our program is credited to the training and experience of our staff. We encourage teamwork in supporting our participants, their families, rehabilitation professionals and members of the community.

In Toronto: COTA Health

Cota offers a wide range of services to adults living with serious mental illness, geriatric mental health conditions, acquired brain injuries, developmental disabilities and dual diagnoses. Our services include case management, supportive housing, short-term residential beds, day programs, court and justice related services, an assertive community treatment team (ACT), and services for individuals who are experiencing homelessness.

In Toronto : Pace Independent Living

PACE provides support services to approximately 264 Consumers, who have a variety of physical disabilities, i.e. Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord injuries, mild acquired brain injuries, Muscular Dystrophy and Huntington disease.

In York Region: March of Dimes

March of Dimes Canada provides a wide range of services to people with physical disabilities throughout the country.

In York Region: York-Simcoe Brain Injury Services

A partnership between Mackenzie Health (formerly York Central Hospital) and March of Dimes Canada * provides case coordination and comprehensive functional behavioural assessment to evaluate the effects of brain injury * an individualized service treatment plan is developed with recommendations and community support to promote acquisition of skills and strategies for reintegration * Mackenzie Health, through York-Simcoe Brain Injury Services, also offers Adult Day Programs for people with acquired brain injuries at three locations within York Region



Empowering youth through education, programming and policy change to recognize and manage their risks of injury in the smartest ways possible.

People First
Dignity and Respect
Excellence and Quality
Integrity, Accountability, and Ethical Conduct
Flexible, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial
Accessibility and Inclusiveness
We at CHIRS acknowledge that we are visitors on this land which was originally named Tkaronto and is the traditional territories of the Anishinabee, the Haudenosaunee, the Mississaugas of the Credits, and the Wendat peoples. We also acknowledge the vast diversity of Indigenous people who have lived, and who are currently caring for this land locally and across Turtle Island. We acknowledge that this land is covered by Treaty 13 and One Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant. CHIRS will continue to walk together with all people to nurture all their abilities and gifts to better this land. CHIRS is aware that this acknowledgement is only first steps and actions are needed to truly honour the relationship with the land and Indigenous people.
CHIRS works in partnership with Ontario Health and the Government of Ontario
© 2025 All rights reserved. Community Head Injury Resource Services (CHIRS) • (416) 240-8000