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Community Head Injury Resource Services

Adult Day Services

Adult Day Services:

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[ X ] Skills Building
[ X ] Mentor Programming
[ X ] Creative Arts
Creative Arts programs encourage participants to be expressive in as many activities as possible. From food, to music, creativity can be everything.
Mentor Programming is organized and operated by our own volunteering members. These clubhouse programs are all drop-in ready, and run the gammut of genres. We're always open to new ideas and activities, so the mentor program is, itself, a program for members wishing to contribute!
Skills Building programs focus opportunities to develop life skills beneficial to our members. Some skills are general, others are discipline specific. Explore them all to be a better you.

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All Adult Day Service programs are run in a three- month cycle in order to allow participants to vary their schedules. The Club is also available on a drop-in basis, with special programming provided by the CHIRS client Mentors.
Many participants who attend the programs have experienced significant barriers in accessing "mainstream" programs due to cognitive, behavioural and social issues. ADS programs are geared to serve individuals who range in functional abilities - some attend independently while others require support in order to address physical and/or cognitive needs. Please note that programs may be added or changed in response to participant feedback.
People First
Dignity and Respect
Excellence and Quality
Integrity, Accountability, and Ethical Conduct
Flexible, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial
Accessibility and Inclusiveness
CHIRS works in partnership with Ontario Health and the Government of Ontario
© 2024 All rights reserved. Community Head Injury Resource Services (CHIRS) • (416) 240-8000