CHIRS works hard to provide the best possible service and always strives to improve.
You can help us do that by letting CHIRS know how you are feeling about your support.
- Talk to any staff member.
CHIRS expects its staff to respect your rights and treat you with
dignity. If you feel that you are not being treated respectfully, or if you
have questions or concerns about your support, please talk to a staff
member. Often the best place to start is to speak directly with your
Primary Facilitator or another front-line worker that you feel
comfortable talking with. You may also speak with another
representative of CHIRS, such as a Manager, Service Coordinator,
Psychologist or Social Worker. All staff members have a responsibility to report your concerns
to their supervisors so you know your concerns will be heard. Your main CHIRS contact
people are listed on your 'MY SUPPORT TEAM - CONTACT SHEET.'
- Your concerns may be brought to the Executive Director.
If you are not satisfied with the way your questions or concerns have been addressed so far,
you may bring your concern to the Executive Director, Hedy Chandler. Hedy can be reached
at 416-240-8000 or by e-mail at hedyc@chirs.com. You can also write her a letter addressed
to 62 Finch Ave. West, Toronto, Ontario, M2N 7G1.
- Your concern may be brought to the CHIRS Board of Directors.
CHIRS has a Board of Directors, which is made up of volunteer community members. If you are
not satisfied with the Executive Director's response, you may lodge your complaint with the
chairperson of the CHIRS Board of Directors. They can be contacted in writing at:
62 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario M2N 7G1.
- The Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HSARB)
If you are still not satisfied after receiving a response from the CHIRS Board of Directors, you
have a legal right to take your complaint to the HSARB. The HSARB is an independent body
made up of members of the general public. For general information about the appeal process,
you can visit their website at www.hsarb.on.ca. You can contact the HSARB by telephone at
416-327-8512 or by e-mail at hsarb@ontario.ca. To start the appeal process, you must write to
the HSARB and ask for a hearing. They will tell you how to do this. The HSARB will tell you
when your hearing is scheduled and what you need to do to prepare. After the hearing, the
HSARB will send you a letter about its decision.
If I file a complaint, will my services be affected?
The Bill of Rights states that you have the right to raise concerns or recommend changes about
your services. CHIRS will not refuse or reduce services to you if you file a complaint.
CHIRS takes all complaints seriously.