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Monday, April 3, 2017

As a part of our ongoing program evaluation, CHIRS conducted a client and family satisfaction survey in Fall, 2016. In 2016, CHIRS collected data regarding client and family experiences, with the organization and the services provided.

Respondents were asked to indicate and rate their overall satisfaction with:

  • quality of services provided and the degree to which they felt that services impacted quality of life;
  • programming options
  • environment from a maintenance and safety perspective;
  • access to and quality of interaction with CHIRS staff
  • communication

Surveys were distributed to 108 family members/caregivers and 156 clients (total of 263). A total of 164 respondents completed the survey, (55 family members/caregivers and 109 clients), creating an overall response rate of 57%. The rate of response among clients was 70% and among family members 51%. This represents a slight decrease in the number of surveys sent out and a slight increase in the response rate.

Findings from our 2016 client and family satisfaction survey reflect a very high level of satisfaction with CHIRS services.  Key highlights from the report are as follows:

  • 90% of clients and families were satisfied or very satisfied with CHIRS services (61% were VERY satisfied and 28% were satisfied)
  • On a scale of 1-10 (1 being very dissatisfied and 10 being very satisfied):
    • 96% of families scored their level of satisfaction as 8 or higher. The average score was 8.9.
    • 75% of clients scored their level of satisfaction as 8 or higher. The average score was 8.3.

Clients and families gave highest ratings to a sense of feeling respected and having their values and preferences respected by CHIRS' employees. This represents a significant increase in the number of respondents who said they were 'completely satisfied' rather than 'somewhat satisfied' on this measure compared to the 2013 survey.

In 2013, 96% of clients reported that they were satisfied when asked if they were treated with respect and courtesy, however only 77% said they were 'completely satisfied'.   CHIRS was not content with a 'somewhat satisfied' response when it comes to respect and courtesy, therefore, we took measures to increase awareness among staff and a renewed focus on respectful communication. And our efforts paid off as there was a marked improvement on this measure in the 2016 survey with 99% of clients reporting being satisfied and 91% reporting being 'completely satisfied'.

96% of respondents felt that the help the client was receiving from CHIRS was meeting their needs and felt that the help provided by CHIRS contributed to quality of life. 98% reported feeling safe when participating in CHIRS programs and when working with CHIRS staff.

For the first time families and clients were asked whether they were satisfied with the level of opportunities they had to contribute to the improvement and development of CHIRS services (i.e. sharing ideas about service, feedback about special events, participating on committees/focus groups). 81% of respondents said that they were completely satisfied or somewhat satisfied in this area. Almost 20%, however, reported that they didn't know, which indicates that there may be some opportunity to increase awareness and create more venues for people to contribute their ideas and opinions.

Families of residential clients expressed a lesser degree of satisfaction with the cleanliness of the environment; however, clients did not share that same concern.    Similarly, families expressed dissatisfaction with the way meals in the residences are prepared. Only 10.5% reported that they were 'completely satisfied'. Clients expressed higher levels of satisfaction (91% were completely or somewhat satisfied).

Where to from here?
As the objective of this survey was to measure satisfaction AND to identify potential areas for quality improvement, the following areas are being highlighted as potential areas of focus: 

  • Support communication with clients and families through an improved website and other social media options.
  • Continue to ensure that clients are aware of their program and support options (e.g., timing of programs, looking for options that suit their schedule and financial assistance). Sometimes lack of satisfaction seemed to be related to a lack of information about options.
  • Continue to focus on supporting clients with maintaining a clean and orderly environment.
  • Continue to focus on improved nutrition in the residences and the Club
  • Never lose sight of treating clients and all stakeholders in a respectful and courteous manner.
  • Investigate ways to better engage clients and families in planning and improving CHIRS services at the organizational level.


People First
Dignity and Respect
Excellence and Quality
Integrity, Accountability, and Ethical Conduct
Flexible, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial
Accessibility and Inclusiveness
We at CHIRS acknowledge that we are visitors on this land which was originally named Tkaronto and is the traditional territories of the Anishinabee, the Haudenosaunee, the Mississaugas of the Credits, and the Wendat peoples. We also acknowledge the vast diversity of Indigenous people who have lived, and who are currently caring for this land locally and across Turtle Island. We acknowledge that this land is covered by Treaty 13 and One Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant. CHIRS will continue to walk together with all people to nurture all their abilities and gifts to better this land. CHIRS is aware that this acknowledgement is only first steps and actions are needed to truly honour the relationship with the land and Indigenous people.
CHIRS works in partnership with Ontario Health and the Government of Ontario
© 2025 All rights reserved. Community Head Injury Resource Services (CHIRS) • (416) 240-8000